A trapped emotion is just a ball of energy stuck in your body from your emotional past or your ancestors. We all have them. How do I find them? Muscle testing.
There are multiple causes of disease but there is an emotional component to everyone. For example, I had knee arthritis. Once I started understanding trapped emotions about worthiness and beliefs about moving forward in my life, my arthritis left. I also released toxins, parasites, and am working on better posture.
Change: we need to be open to embracing the unknown, stepping into possibility and welcoming newness.
If you have resisted shifting into a higher version of yourself or stepping into Unknown territory such as:
Then I invite you to come and discuss how to embrace the changes going on in YOUR life specifically, so you can create more joy, love, connection, confidence, and optimal health!
My goal for you is to show up as your most powerful self, confidently taking charge and stepping into your wildest desires!
YOU can become less stressed, less triggered.
YOU have a purpose. YOU’RE worth it!
If you’re on this page, then I’m giving you a very special INTRODUCTORY OFFER to have a one-time coaching call with me one-on-one. I really hope you take me up on this, it’s only $77 and I know we can accomplish a lot on just one call. I know so much when it comes to your health, healing and I bring to the table many modalities depending on where you are, what you’re looking for support with, etc.
Trust me and sign up today so we can get you started on your healing journey! Now is the new tomorrow!
Then on that call we can determine what else if anything we can do beyond that but at least give me a try… I promise to give you everything I’ve got.
If you’re not quite ready to sign up for a paid session yet and want to talk with me first, then you’re welcome to sign up for a free consult first if you’d like.